Wildside Activity Centre is a charitable not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing high quality environmental and adventurous activities at modest cost. We want to get people outdoors and help them to enjoy it and to respect the natural world around them.
We invite like-minded people who support the ethos of the Centre and its work to join our Members and Friends Scheme.
Our Friends and Supporters (and Group/Organisation Friends) will receive:
- The quarterly Wildside Newsletter.
- Advance copies of Holiday Programmes, details of activities and any special events.
- Invitations to help with work parties or fundraising events for those who may want to get involved.
- An invitation to our AGM.
Our Members (and Group/Organisation Members) receive all the information above and in addition:
- Have a right to vote at the AGM and stand for election to the Board of Directors.
Annual Costs:
- Friends and Supporters (and Group/Organisation Friends) £5.00
- Friends and Supporters (unwaged) £2.00
- Friends and Supporters (volunteers) Free of charge
- Members (and Group/Organisation Members) £10.00
If you would like to become a Member or Friend of Wildside, please download the membership application form and return it to Wildside Activity Centre, Hordern Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 0HA with your payment. Please remember to tick Gift Aid if you can as that helps us financially with a 25% addition to your donation.
If you have any queries, please give us a ring on 01902 754612
Information Privacy Statement
The information you provide to us will be used primarily to keep you informed about the activities at Wildside. If at any time, you no longer wish to receive communications from us or you want to change or delete your information, simply tell us by using the online contacts form on our website or by email to info@wildsideac.co.uk or by letting us know by visiting our office at Hordern Road, Whitmore Reans, Wolverhampton WV6 0HA.